
Health Food that Must Be Consumed Every Day


Health Food that Is Worth Consuming Every Day! Some foods and drinks have nutritional benefits. Not only is it healthy, but this superfood is also very important in maintaining the immune system, thereby reducing the risk of disease.

A nutritionist, reveals some health food and drinks that must be consumed because they have good nutrition for your bug. In this article, I will detail it in detail.

Berry Fruit
No matter what type of berry you choose, they are all well consumed. Berries like strawberries, blueberries, blackberries are not only low in calories but contain some of the highest concentrations of antioxidants and good amounts of fibre and a number of important vitamins including vitamin C.

Green tea
Not only high in antioxidants, but some evidence also suggests that green tea can increase fat metabolism.

The probiotics commonly found in yoghurt are natural micro-organisms that can improve the human digestive tract by increasing the balance of healthy bacteria in the intestine. Probiotics have been shown to help reduce digestive symptoms such as constipation and bloating; helps restore intestinal flora after taking antibiotics and helps balance the bacteria needed for optimal absorption of nutrients.

Red paprika
Paprika contains high vitamin C and a source of carotenoids. A study said individuals who routinely consume carotenoids during their lives have a lower risk of death because of avoidance of heart disease, cancer and stroke.

Tomatoes are known to be rich in Vitamin C and beta-carotene. Research says, cooked tomatoes contain high levels of lycopene, which is claimed to reduce the risk of stomach cancer and pancreatic cancer.

The unique thing about walnuts is the high content of unsaturated fats. Consuming 30 grams of walnuts every day, can optimize the composition of the cell wall and has been shown to reduce cholesterol levels.

Fresh fish such as tuna or salmon contain high levels of omega 3 fatty acids. Various other health benefits from omega 3 fats include reducing triglycerides, blood pressure and inflammatory processes in the body.

Broccoli is a source of folate, an antioxidant lutein that can delay the development of macular degeneration (AMD) and a phytochemical called sulforaphane, which has certain anti-cancer properties.

Vegetable soup
A study from The Pennsylvania State University has shown that you consume 25 per cent fewer calories when you enjoy vegetable soup can reduce various risks of disease.

Black chocolate
Black chocolate contains antioxidants, flavonoids and higher phenolic phytochemicals than tea and wine in terms of antioxidant capacity. But naturally, controlling the number of consumers is the key.

Why Do You Have to Eat Health Food?

In general, health food are foods with balanced nutrition, low fat, high fibre, containing vegetables and fruits. To fulfil all these things, you need food intake that meets all the nutritional needs needed without excessive fat, sugar and calories.

A person's health depends on what he eats. Therefore, it is important to be able to choose intelligently foods that can support overall health.

Start eating a balanced healthy diet, in order to maintain and improve the health of your body. In order not to get bored, you can try creations and combinations of various types of healthy foods in a variety of interesting dishes every day.

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