

The overall goal of the Healthy Lifestyle website has remained the same over the past decade - to support every one, parents, carers, coaches, health professionals, kids and teens to make healthy choices by providing a "one stop shop" of current and credible information, resources and support materials about healthy eating and physical activity.

On the Healthy Lifestyle website, you will find kid friendly recipes, ideas for physical activity and practical ways to improve nutrition, as well as specific factsheets for families and children. You can also sign up for a quarterly e-newsletter which informs our subscribers of topical or new information on the site.

The website content is structured around five key messages:

  • Get active for an hour or more each day.
  • Choose water as a drink.
  • Eat more fruit and vegetables.
  • Turn off the TV or computer and get active.
  • Eat fewer snacks and select healthier alternatives.

These key messages incorporate specific, evidence based information and advice, and the website includes easy-to-understand tips and ideas to help parents put these messages into practice at home.

Healthy Lifestyle website management committee with representatives from each partner agency has been in place since the inception of the Healthy Lifestyle project.

The committee oversees and provides advice regarding the content and strategic direction of the website, partnership opportunities and allocation of resources.